Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Subtle Love

The most subtle of loves is what I have come to yearn for.
The kind of love that you have brought me....

The kind that doesn't need to be declared for the entire world to see. The kind of love that is shown in the little gestures. A simple smile shared in secret, a sweet kiss on the cheek.

This I find to be most delicate and pure.

Dear Old Friend

You will always hold a special place in my heart.
You deserve overwhelming love and happiness in your life. You are an amazingly kind and thoughtful friend.

I hope that you know, I'm not going anywhere...

I'm Back!

A sense of relief is dawning on me, I need to face the things that haunt me. I need to learn how to be comfortable in my own skin.

Someone that I care about recently reached out to me and helped me get my spark back.
The one thing that has always aided my thoughts, emotions and feelings...
My writing.

Without it, I've felt expressionless and lost.
But with it I feel a sense of clarity.
I feel like I'm getting back to a good place...

I Forgive You

The past couple of months have been a mixture of laughs and inconsolable tears. The saying "Blood, sweat and tears", doesn't even come close to describing what I've had to deal with.

How do you recover when a loved one leaves you?
When someone you have known all your life, from the day you were born, calls you a failure...
All I want to say to you is that I hate you but I know that's not true. I know that the only reason this hurts is because I love you so much.

And it's because I love you that this pain will never completely subside. But I guess at the end of the day you have to do what's best for you.

I forgive you, because I know I'm not a failure or a puppet and one day soon I will be successful and nothing you say will ever hurt me again!